Further Still
Further Still
Further Still
Further Still
This section of the retreat will be a little different than other sections thus far. We recommend you begin by taking a few moments to visit the Music and More page and dwell in the music offered by Etu Finau. Then return for a time of Lectio Divina.
Take some time now to expand the spaciousness around you and within you before moving forward.

The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.”
— John 1:14
Lectio Divina (divine reading) was introduced via video in the previous retreat. It is an ancient practice designed to help us fully digest the food God gives us through His Word.
It has been well-said, “You are what you eat.” This simple phrase captures the hope behind the practice of Lectio: incarnation. As we slow down and begin to digest what God offers us — to chew on it, swallow it and allow it to become integrated throughout our system — the Word becomes flesh once again, through us.
Take a moment to move into a listening posture and sit in silence before reflecting upon the passage below.
Recall the images offered in the first retreat. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are inviting you to recline at the table with them in your inner room and share a meal. Find yourself at their table.
Lectio Divina (divine reading) was introduced via video in the previous retreat. It is an ancient practice designed to help us fully digest the food God gives us through His Word.
It has been well-said, “You are what you eat.” This simple phrase captures the hope behind the practice of Lectio: incarnation. As we slow down and begin to digest what God offers us — to chew on it, swallow it and allow it to become integrated throughout our system — the Word becomes flesh once again, through us.
Take a moment to move into a listening posture and sit in silence before reflecting upon the passage below.
Recall the images offered in the first retreat. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are inviting you to recline at the table with them in your inner room and share a meal. Find yourself at their table.
In the first reading, imagine that the Spirit comes to you with a tray of delicious food for your soul. Listen from within to the passage. Notice which word or phrase captures your attention. What morsel of food looks appetizing to you?
Read slowly, attentively and become all ear to God.
Isaiah 55:1, 2
“Come, all you who are thirsty,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without cost.
Why spend money
on what is not bread,
and your labor
on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me,
and eat what is good,
and you will delight in the richest of fare.”
Take time to sit silently in gratitude for your word or phrase, like an honored guest, grateful for what has been served.
Now read the passage again, slowly. In fact, as before, ask the Spirit to read the passage to you from within. Continue to hold your word or phrase, your morsel of fine food. As you listen this time, begin putting the morsel in your mouth; smelling it; tasting it; experiencing it in your body. As you listen to the passage, make your senses available; your mind’s eye; your anointed imagination.
How do you experience this morsel that God has served you?
Does a picture or image come to mind?
Do you become aware of something you are sensing?
What feelings stir in you?
Read the passage a third time, slowly and reflectively. Now you are digesting the food God has given you. You are allowing it to work its way through your system. As you listen, do you hear an invitation from the Lord?
Notice your longings and desires. What do you want as a result of what God has fed you?
Often the invitation from the Lord is wrapped in our longings and desires.
Is the Lord inviting you to do something? To be something? To have something? Put it this way: As a result of digesting God’s Word, I find myself longing for…
This is how the Word becomes flesh: We digest God’s Word, discern His invitation and then act upon His invitation in the days that follow.
Read the passage one final time and allow the words to come to rest in pleasant places within your soul. Allow your food to settle. Like lingering at the table after a good meal, savor what God has served you from His Word.